
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843



你的留学经历并没有在你走下飞机的时候结束. Returning home is a chance to build on your experience away and cultivate the new beginnings made while abroad, 包括新朋友, 新的兴趣, 新的食物和对旅行的热爱. 韦德体育app官网提供国际剧院, 音乐, 节日, 事件, 发现国际学生并与之交往.

开放大学提供服务和支持,以减轻从国外归来的过渡. Let us help you get reacquainted with American culture and eager to jump back into your studies at OU. 


处理你在国外的经历,并通过心理工作, 社会, 以及你重返职场的文化挑战. Participants will get an overview of the re-entry process and may discuss their experience online at their convenience. 在国外学习归来后提供研讨会链接.


Extend your study abroad experience and influence others by becoming a study abroad volunteer. You’ll help promote study abroad to other students at OU 事件 (including welcome receptions, 争取金牌, 通过回答问题和分发文献(开放参观).


Share your international stories as a study-abroad speaker in classrooms, conferences, and 事件. 演讲时间安排以学期为单位确定.


Help other students get started on their study abroad experience by becoming a student adviser. 查看我们的 咨询顾问 浏览更多信息. 顾问提供虚拟和上门咨询课程. 提供培训. 留学顾问的职位是带薪的. 该职位将于 握手 当有空位的时候. 


Each intern tackles a meaningful study abroad/away project in OU’s 国际教育 office. Internships help develop valuable work skills and a better understanding of how a study abroad office operates. 每学期每周的时间安排由留学主任决定.


分享你的留学经历,赢得胜利! 创建并提交一个关于你在国外学习的视频日志, 夏天, 或2019年秋季结合照片的体验, video, 动画, 声音, 音乐, 和文本! The story should be a reflection of your experience but may feature any aspect of your study abroad or study away. 视图 一个例子 由2017年视频大赛冠军制作的视频.

许多软件选项适合制作数字故事. 使用你最喜欢的软件,或者考虑使用微软 图片故事三 为 视频编辑大师 适用于智能电话/流动装置-可透过微软免费下载. 通过App Store和Play Store可以使用许多编辑应用程序. Animoto 编辑程序可以在任何计算机(MAC或PC)上使用,也是免费的. 对于图像编辑,可以尝试使用免费网站 http://pixlr.com/editor/.

First Place (one): winner will receive lunch 为 two at The Red Ox with the Study abroad office team; CIEE backpack; and study abroad graduation sash.

Second Place (one): winner will a study abroad/study away graduation sash representing your country/state of study; and CIEE Kleen Kanteen water bottle, 和CIEE旅游叉.


Vlog videos will also be shared on the 国际教育 website and through other digital channels and 社会 media.

比赛将持续到2024年12月31日晚上11:59.m. 获奖名单将于1月10日公布. 15, 2025. 奖品将于2月8日颁发. 1, 2025.


  1. Student applicants must be enrolled at OU at the time the application is submitted and have completed a study abroad/study away program while enrolled as an 韦德体育app官网 student participating in a study abroad/study away program offered through OU.
  2. 视频日志必须是原创的,并包括一个自我的照片/图像某处在一块.
  3. Vlog的长度不能超过3分钟.
  4. 视频日志必须与在线申请一起提交.

要参加比赛,请完成Vlog contest申请. 上传你的数字视频日志到国际教育Dropbox. 使用应用程序上提供的用户名和密码在Dropbox中提交视频.

在Dropbox中创建一个包含你的名字和程序的文件夹, 然后将应用程序和数字故事拖放到文件中. 参赛者将收到电子邮件确认参赛收据.

Winning entries will be judged on content, creativity, adhering to the rules, and use of the medium.

有关比赛的问题,请给辛西娅发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).



Earn a graduation sash representing your country of study by volunteering at three study abroad 事件. 电子邮件: (电子邮件保护) 有关详细信息,.


毕竟你在国外经历了那么多新鲜刺激的事情, 回归家庭, 朋友, 旧的惯例(无论多么美好和舒适)可能看起来很无聊. It is natural to miss the excitement and challenges that characterize study in a 为eign country, 但找到克服这些负面反应的方法取决于你. 尝试新事物,在国内旅行,继续文化和语言研究.


One thing you can count on upon your return: no one will be as interested in hearing about your adventures and triumphs as you will be in sharing those experiences. 这不是对你或你的成就的拒绝, 但简单的事实是,一旦他们听到了亮点, 你的听众可能不会再对你感兴趣了. Be realistic in your expectations of how fascinating your journey is going to be 为 everyone else. 是短暂的.


Even when given a chance to explain all the sights you saw and feelings you had while studying abroad, 要连贯地传达这些信息,可能至少会有点令人沮丧. It is very difficult to convey this kind of experience to people who do not have similar frames of reference or travel backgrounds, 不管他们作为听众有多同情你. 你可以告诉别人你的旅行, 但你可能无法让他们确切地理解你是如何或为什么有这种特殊的感觉. 没关系!


就像你到海外后可能会有一段时间想家一样, 对人们来说,经历一些反向的乡愁是很自然的, 的地方, 还有你在国外学习时习惯的东西. 在某种程度上, 写信, 打电话, 发邮件, 发短信和保持联系可以减少抑郁, but feelings of loss are an integral part of international sojourns and must be anticipated and accepted as a natural result of study abroad.


It is inevitable that when you return you will notice that some relationships with 朋友 and 家庭 will have changed. 就像你在国外改变了一些想法和态度一样, the people at home are likely to have experienced some changes that are very important to them. 这些变化可能是积极的,也可能是消极的, 但指望不会发生变化是不现实的. The best preparation is flexibility, openness, minimal preconceptions, and tempered optimism.


Sometimes people may concentrate on small alterations in your behavior or ideas and seem threatened or upset by them. These incidents may be motivated by jealousy, fear, or feelings of superiority or inferiority. 避免或减少不适, 有必要监控自己,注意周围人的反应, 尤其是在你回来后的头几周. 如果你不去确认他们的刻板印象,这个阶段通常很快就过去了.


A few people will misinterpret your words or actions in such a way that communication becomes difficult. For example, what you may have come to think of as witty humor (particularly sarcasm, banter, etc.) and a way to show affection or establish a conversation may be considered aggression or "showing off." Continually using references to 为eign 的地方 or sprinkling 为eign language expressions or words into an English conversation is often considered boasting. 要意识到别人会怎么看你,以及你的行为可能会被如何解读.


Sometimes the reality of being back "home" is not as natural or enjoyable as the place you had constructed as your mental image. 当实际的日常生活比你记忆中的更不愉快或更苛刻时, 感到一些疏离感是很自然的. 许多海归培养了“挑剔的眼睛”,“看到你以前从未注意到的社会缺陷的倾向”.g.美国人是如此的浪费、物质、肥胖、匆忙等等.). Being critical is closely related to discom为t during readjustment and mild "culture shock. “心理比较很好, but keep them to yourself until you regain both your cultural balance and a balanced perspective.


许多海归因为没有机会应用新学的社会知识而感到沮丧, 语言, 以及实用的应对技巧,这些技巧在家里似乎是不必要的或无关紧要的. 为了避免持续的烦恼:必要时适应现实, 改变可能发生的事, 要有创意, 要有耐心, 最重要的是, use all the cross-cultural adjustment skills you acquired abroad to assist your own re-entry.


在家, 再加上工作的压力, 学校, 家庭, 和朋友, 往往会让海归们担心他们可能会以某种方式“失去”这段经历. Many fear that it will become compartmentalized like souvenirs or photo albums kept in a box and only occasionally taken out and looked at. You do not have to let that happen: maintain your contacts abroad; seek out and talk to people who have had experiences similar to yours; practice your cross-cultural skills; continue language learning. To the extent possible, integrate your overseas experience into your ongoing life and activities.

改编自Dr. 布鲁斯·拉布拉克, 国际关系学院, 太平洋大学, 拉丁美洲奖学金项目, 美国大学哈佛大学, 中美洲本科生奖学金项目.