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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843



韦德体育app官网's faculty-led non-credit program open to OU Chorale members. Oakland Chorale is a performing ensemble within the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Only auditioned members of the Chorale are eligible. Travel to Europe for ten days and sing in some of the world's most spectacular concert halls and performance spaces in Germany, 奥地利, 和捷克共和国.

计划的日期: 2025年6月待定

申请截止日期: 3月1日 


Michael Mitchell, Professor of Music



学生们一起飞到 Lisbon, the coastal capital city of Portugal, and enjoy a panoramic city tour of Lisbon. 景点包括贝伦塔, Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, Se大教堂, 圣胡斯塔电梯, the view from Castelo de Sao Jorge, and the Monument to the Portuguese Discoveries. 启程前往 Lagos located in the gorgeous Algarve region of Portugal. Enjoy free time to explore this walled city and perhaps a swim in the ocean! Concert I: Possible venues include 殉道者大教堂, Calouste Gulbenkian基金会, 圣玛丽亚德贝伦, Jeronimos修道院, 法蒂玛圣母堂, Estrela教堂, 里斯本Musicfest, 以及其他场所. Possible collaboration with local ensemble. 启程前往 西班牙塞维利亚, the capital of Andalucía and a bustling university town. 

Students will enjoy a sightseeing tour of Seville including the Cathedral, 的Giralda, and the quaint Santa Cruz quarter where you find narrow alleyways and small whitewashed houses. Acoustic rehearsal and sound check. Concert II: Possible venues include Iglesia de San Pedro, La Iglesia de la Hermandad de la Santa Caridad, 塞维利亚大教堂, 或者其他地方.

启程前往科尔多瓦. It was an important Roman city and a major Islamic center in the Middle Ages. Tour of Mezquita Catedral de Cordoba, the impressive 10th century Arabian mosque, 世界第三大. It features more than 850 colorful granite and marble pillars, as well as horseshoe shaped arches above the pillars. Concert III: Possible venues include Real Circulo de la Amistad, 科尔多瓦大教堂, 马格达莱纳的伊格莱西亚, 以及其他场所. Possible collaboration with local choir.

启程前往 Toledo,  the “City of Three Cultures”, – Jewish, Muslim, and Christian. The fortified medieval city built on a hill overlooking the Tagus River, is without a doubt one of the densest monumental cities in the world. You will see the Cathedral of Toledo (formerly a mosque), and the Church of Santo Tomé. Possible mass at the Cathedral of Toledo. Continue to Madrid the capital of Spain and the geographic heart of the Iberian peninsula.

Enjoy a sightseeing tour of the Calle and 马约尔广场(中世纪马德里), which is lined by beautiful buildings and the city’s oldest church, San Nicolas de los Servitas. Finish your tour with a visit to the lavish Royal Palace. Concert IV: Possible concert venues include Basílica Parroquia Virgen La Milagrosa, Parroquia de Santa Teresa y Santa Isabel, Parroquia Santuario Santa Maria del Perpetuo Socorro, 纳瓦节, 和其他人.

选择参观普拉多博物馆, 在格兰维亚购物, or stroll through one of the city’s famous public squares. 启程前往美丽的塞戈维亚. Its centuries of settlement include a rich legacy of architecture, including impressive medieval walls, 罗马式教堂, a former royal palace and a Gothic cathedral. Its iconic ancient Roman aqueduct has more than 160 arches! 告别宴会. Concert V or Service: Possible venue includes the impressive Segovia Cathedral.

Following the program, students return to Michigan from Madrid, Spain.


要求:  Must be a member of the OU Chorale

课程: Students will have the opportunity to learn about the history, culture and musical life at each location.


Students will stay in double occupancy hotels throughout the tour.

Some meals are included in the program fee. Students will purchase meals independently at the many restaurants, cafes and bistros throughout the many countries with local variety.




To be paid to OU on our MarketPlace payment system and includes: airfare, 住房和一些膳食, ground transportation and all excursions while in Europe, 还有健康保险.


You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. 数额是估计的.
Incidental personal expenses: $200
Passport (if you don't have one): $175

奖学金和经济援助: not available since this is a non-credit program.