Professional and Continuing Education

Pawley Hall, Room 440G
456 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-3177
[email protected]

people in blue business attire standing around a computer screen

Project Management

Please join the program email list 接收有关日程安排和注册的更新和提醒

专业和继续教育已经成功地按照现行的PMBOK指导方针提供了超过15年的项目管理培训. 我们的课程旨在为有抱负的专业人士提供技能, knowledge, 要想在动态的项目管理世界中脱颖而出,就需要与行业建立联系.

2016年,我们的项目管理原理课程被列入  Top 50 Best Value Project Management Certificate Programs in the United States by Value


Course content questions:

Project Management Principles: Dean Baker, Instructor, [email protected]

敏捷项目管理原则与实践:Manjinder Sodhi,讲师 [email protected]

Registration questions:

[email protected] or 248-370-3177


Project Management Principles

Sign-up to receive email updates and information about the Project Management Principles course.

项目管理原则是一门介绍性课程,涵盖了关键的预测性项目管理原则,为学生开始建立项目管理的基础. 课程和课外作业共需要21小时的教学时间. Students 寻求PMP认证还需要参加敏捷项目管理课程,以获得PMP认证 额外的21学时,并满足PMI的35学时的教育要求,参加PMP考试.

Course Structure The course is highly interactive, uses a “learn by doing” approach, 并创造一个高能量的积极学习环境,培养认知和行为技能. 课程包括简短的演讲,然后是讨论或练习,作为一个班级或小组进行报告和讨论. As individuals students complete exercises between classes, which are shared and/or discussed in class. 练习的目的是将讲座中的原则应用到实践中去学习. 每个练习都包括一个特殊格式的工作表(通常是一页)来组织报告的结果, consolidating, and comparing.

Course Materials
《韦德体育app官网》与PMBOK®指南第6版和第7版保持一致. 该课程包括预测项目电子工作手册第六版(450多页),由主题组成, slides, 并且练习涵盖了预测项目管理的全部范围,其中涵盖了选择性主题. 完成课程后,学生将获得指导指南(150多页),允许学生继续自学入门课程时间框架中未涵盖的主题,为PMP考试做准备.

PMP Certification Requirements
Four- year degree, three years leading projects, 35小时的项目管理教育/培训或CAPM®认证


High School diploma or global equivalent, five years leading projects, 35小时的项目管理教育/培训或CAPM®认证

关于参加考试的其他要求的详细信息可以在 PMI website.

Agile Project Management Principles and Practices

Sign up 为敏捷项目管理电子列表接收有关注册和日程安排的通知和更新.

项目管理协会(PMI)授权培训合作伙伴, 韦德体育app官网提供了100%在线直播的敏捷项目管理原则和实践课程, instructor-led format.

该课程为学生提供了敏捷原则和实践的坚实基础. Throughout the course, 学生将学习包括Scrum在内的敏捷方法的最佳实践, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD).


Why Agile?
As more organizations move towards flexible, 以价值为导向的文化,提供更快更好的解决方案,满足客户需求, 敏捷方法为组织提供跨职能的协作团队和参与的涉众,以满足市场的动态需求. The need for “Organization Agility” has been never been greater. As reported by PMI in their "Achieving Greater Agility" report, “具有高敏捷性的组织报告更多的项目成功地满足了最初的目标和业务意图”.

PMI敏捷认证从业者(PMI- acp)®是项目管理协会增长最快的认证.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain the Agile mindset, practices, and principles.
  • 确定项目的最佳方法,并应用它来交付成功的解决方案.
  • 运用敏捷方法为客户提供价值驱动的解决方案.
  • 参与和管理利益相关者,以提供决策和透明度
    success measurement.
  • 创建一个协作的环境来构建和管理高绩效的员工
    continuously improving agile teams.
  • 识别影响项目并使团队参与执行的风险、问题和问题
    mitigation plans.

Prerequisites for PMI-ACP Exam:

  • Secondary Degree
  • 21 contact hours of training in agile practices
  • 12 months of general project experience within the last 5 years. A current PMP® or
  • 8 months of agile project experience within the last 3 years
Schedule and Pricing

Fall 2024 Courses (Live Online Format)


这个实时在线课程在虚拟环境中提供了一个实时的课堂环境. 学生在课堂上与课程教师和其他学生同步会面. 这最好地代表了当今数字化工作场所中遇到的真实团队环境类型,同时利用了当前环境中所需的100%虚拟模型.

*Students who sign up for both courses will receive 15% discount code needed.

Project Management Principles

Dates: September 16 - October 3, 2024
Days: Monday/Thursday
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
*21 total contact hours
Location: Live Online via Zoom virtual meeting software
Course Cost: $900*
Books: An E-workbook will be included at no extra cost.

Agile Project Management

Dates: October 10 - 29, 2024
Days: Tuesday/Thursday
Time: 6:00-9:00pm
*21 total contact hours
Location: Live Online via Zoom virtual meeting software
Course Cost: $900*

*A 10% discount is available for OU alumni on individual course purchases and groups of 5 or more. E-mail [email protected] for information. 学生必须参加所有课程,以获得35和/或21个pdu和证书.