你打高尔夫球 & 学习中心

Use Adams Road entrance south of Walton Blvd.
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4477
(248) 364-6300



韦德体育app官网 has launched the 里克史密斯高尔夫学院 (RSGA) at the OU 高尔夫及学习中心. As one of the premier golf facilities in Michigan, the center is committed to grow the game of golf by offering cutting-edge golf instruction through the highly respected 里克史密斯高尔夫学院.

A renowned golf instructor, Smith designed the R&S Sharf高尔夫球场 and is excited to return to the facility with a world-class, 签名高尔夫学院.

Rick Smith Golf Academies offer customized programs for all golfers — from beginners to PGA Tour players. Smith and his elite staff of instructors achieve success by focusing on the fundamentals of the golf swing, keeping a minimal student/teacher ratio to allow for personalized instruction, and using clear communication and state-of-the-art swing analysis video technology.

Call the golf shop at (248) 364-6300 ext. 3 .查阅资料.


里克·史密斯的私人课程: An individual session with Rick Smith is the truest PGA Tour lesson experience. 基于可用性. 700美元/小时

里克·史密斯总理会议: The Rick Smith Premier Session offers students a full swing instructional session with Rick Smith. The program is limited to six students, and includes 3.5 hours of instruction with assistance from a RSGA Academy instructor. A minimum of three students required per session. 900美元/人

TrackMan定制俱乐部配件: Please reach out to the RSGA for pricing and scheduling.


  • 3-6 students per group at a fraction of the price of a private lesson.
  • $75 - $100 per person depending on the instructor.
  • Please call RSGA for details and dates.


  • 4 - 90 minute group lessons for adult beginners looking to be introduced into the game.


  • 5月7日,下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 5月14日下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 5月21日下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 5月28日下午5:30-7点.m.


  • 6月4日下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 6月18日下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 6月25日下午5:30-7点.m.
  • 7月9日下午5:30-7点.m.

        $200 per 4 week lesson, may join a session at anytime for $50 per class.

        Please call RSGA for more details or to sign up.


  • Short Game School: 4 - 90分钟的课程


  • 6月20日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 6月23日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 6月27日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 6月30日下午4-5:30.m.


  • 7月7日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 7月11日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 7月14日下午4-5:30.m.
  • 7月18日下午4-5:30.m.

        $200 per 4 week lesson, may join a session at anytime for $50 per class.

        Please call RSGA for more details or to sign up.

  • 为期三天的研讨会: Three consecutive days of 4-hour sessions, for a total of 12 hours of instruction dedicated to full swing, 短的游戏, 和先进的练习技巧. 1200美元/人
  • 为期两天的大师: Two consecutive half-day sessions for a total of 8 hours of instruction involving full swing and 短的游戏 techniques. 850美元/人
  • 为期一天的主人: One half-day session involving 4 hours of instruction focused on either 短的游戏 or full swing shots. 450美元/人
  • 美巡赛经历: The PGA Tour Experience offers a complete game assessment package. Personalized instruction utilizing state-of-the-art analysis technology. This program consists of six hours of training, including four hours on the range and two hours of mental game, 课程管理与策略. 695美元/人

私人课程: Private Lessons are 55 minutes and tailored for each student’s skill level. For all private lessons, an individual can “bring a buddy” for an additional $50/Lesson. Please call (248) 364-6300 x3 for details.

Bret Hartman, PGA (Head of Instruction) PGA A类会员, 20年以上教学经验, 8次职业胜利, expert in instructing full range of golfers from beginners to PGA professionals, MI PGA Teacher of the Year nominee, 获得田径运动员俱乐部认证的运动员. 

  • 一小时课程:195美元
  • 半私人课程100美元
  • Package of 5 lessons: $895 ($80 savings).
  • All lessons purchased must be used by the end of the calendar year.

Joel Aptaker, PGA (Associate Instructor) PGA A类会员, 35年以上教学经验, passion to instruct full range of golfers from beginners to low-handicappers, extensive training in kinesiology/biomechanics relative to body movements, 认证Club-Fitter.

  • 一小时课程:135美元
  • 半私人课程100美元
  • Package of 5 lessons: $595 ($80 savings).
  • All lessons purchased must be used by the end of the calendar year.

If Toptracer technology is incorporated into a lesson there will be an additional charge of $10.

青少年联盟- 6-17岁

Junior League will be held for 6 weeks with the dates listed below from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Golfers will play on the course weeks 3-6 with tee times beginning at 9 a.m. The final week there will be an age division championship with prizes. 

  • 每个学生495美元
  • 6月19日
  • 6月26日
  • 7月10日
  • 7月17日
  • 7月24日
  • 7月31日

青少年营- 6-17岁

  • 每位学生295美元
  • 6月1日 & 2、2024年12点起.m. 到3点.m.
  • 8月6日 & 2024年9月7日.m. 到12点.m.

预定高尔夫课 今天.


The following tips are offered by the 高尔夫及学习中心's head golf professional:


Because your golf swing utilizes so many different muscle groups, it is important to take the time to stretch and warm up before you play. If you can, get to the course early and warm up by hitting a small bucket of balls. Loosen up slowly by hitting wedges and short irons first and then work your way up through your set to the driver.

Remember, you are just getting the feel for your swing motion and loosening up. This is not the time to start making swing changes or practicing mechanics. This is a warm up, not a practice session.

If you can’t get to the golf course in time to hit a small bucket, consider purchasing a weighted club to keep in your bag so you can swing it and stretch your golf muscles while you’re waiting to tee off. 至少, take out your 8 and 9 irons and make golf swings with the clubs together to provide more weight and promote some stretching in your shoulders and back.

If you do these things routinely, your body will feel the difference and thank you for it.


As you head to the practice range, there is a very important aspect to hitting range balls that you should keep in mind: always have and be aware of your target line.

这发生在我们每个人身上, we go to the practice range with the intent of working on our golf swing, and we get caught up thinking about our turn or our pivot or one of the 10,000 other things one of the golf analysts from the previous weekend's TV golf tournament has us believing is the secret to a consistent golf swing. 一直以来, we neglect one of the most important elements of the game that will help us direct our ball to our desired target: the target line.

Remember, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. That straight line ought to be your target line. The imaginary line that runs between your ball and your target is your target line. It is what we aim our clubface on, and it has a tremendous influence on our setup position.

Lay your 2 iron or your umbrella on the ground parallel to your target line when you are at the range hitting balls. Always have a reference to your target. If you don’t , you really can’t fairly judge the shots you hit.


Many times when we start to hit the ball poorly, the first thing that pops into our head is “I must not be swinging at the ball properly.听起来很合乎逻辑, but chances are the swing isn’t working properly because your setup isn’t allowing it to work properly.

The setup accounts for about 80 percent of the swing's effectiveness, or ineffectiveness. When you are having trouble, always remember to check back to your starting position.

Here are some things to consider when checking your setup position:

  • Grip pressure – keep it light, not tight.
  • Weight more on the balls of your feet than on the heels.
  • 保持膝盖弯曲.
  • 背部要挺直, but tilted forward from the hips enough that the arms hang freely from the shoulders. 
    Your right side should be set lower than the left because your right hand is lower on the club than your left.
  • If you need references or some pictures of what a good setup looks like, almost every golf book written has a chapter on the setup. Don’t overlook this very important factor to making a good golf swing.
Develop Small Success Patterns First

Small success patterns lead to big success patterns. That’s how you should view your development as a golfer. It’s that way in just about every other aspect of life. First we learn to crawl, then to walk and then to run. In golf, everybody seems to want to start out running. Everyone wants to hit the ball further, and they think the longer they hit it the better they will play. 并不总是正确的.

Golf is a game of distance and direction. Direction should be learned and practiced first. 通过这样做, you are giving yourself a chance of being in control of your golf ball – something not a lot of people can brag about. Learning to hit your ball straight (possibly giving up some distance at first) should help you develop a swing shape that is correct. Once you are able to repeat that swing consistently, you can start to swing a little faster to increase your swing speed while maintaining the same swing shape, and that should help to produce straight shots with more distance.

测试自己. See how far you can hit a shot that remains on the line you are aimed on. Start by hitting five three-foot putts. If you can get them to go perfectly in the direction you aimed, move back and hit five six-foot putts. If you have success there, try five nine-foot putts. 如果你的推杆好, hit five chip shots from just off the green to a pin about 10 feet away, 然后是20英尺. 如果方向还在线上, move on to the range and hit five half-swing pitching wedge shots to a specific target. Go to a ¾ swing with the pitching wedge, 如果你还在线的话, start to hit full shots with your 9 iron and then all the way through your set.

Usually, the longer the club the tougher it is to keep the ball on line. Find out where in your set you start to lose direction, and that’s where you need to target for practice. That’s where you might need to have someone you trust watch your golf swing and help you figure out how to get on track. Remember to develop your direction first and your distance will follow.