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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

725 Filling Vacancies (Excluding Academic)


理由是:  该政策的目的是为韦德体育app官网(OU)社区提供指导,以填补以下类别的职位空缺:, 韦德体育app官网 Professional Services Association (OUPSA), 韦德体育app官网 Campus Maintenance and Trades (OUCMT), Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM), and Police Officers Labor Council (POLC).

政策:  所有职位空缺都是根据集体谈判协议来填补的, the Administrative Professional Manual, and relevant OU policy, 即内部晋升和调职政策,并符合适用法律.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  这项政策适用于所有负责或参与填补上述职位空缺的公开大学教职员工.


申请人:  Any person who applies for an available position at the 奥克兰工地的工作

外部申请人:  An Applicant who does not presently hold a regular position at OU.

内部申请者:  An Applicant who currently holds a regular position at OU.

人员需求:  Electronic document used to request a position.

职位空缺:  每周至少工作20小时,有福利,由政府资助并批准的职位.

团队-Total Employee and Management Source:  的 online system used for position management found at http://wwwp.奥克兰.edu/uhr/


1.  Establishing Job Requirements and Position Descriptions

的 hiring supervisor and the Benefits, 薪酬和人力资源管理系统服务经理将制定职位空缺的工作要求,这将成为职位描述模块的一部分. 招聘主管负责维护其职权范围内职位的最新职位描述. 所有的职位描述都保存在一个在线系统中,并且必须得到人力资源部的批准.

2.  人员需求

该部门负责在在线系统中创建人事申请单. A 人员需求 is required when filling position vacancies. All 人员需求s must be created from approved position descriptions.

3.  总统

新资助的职位和作为重组的一部分而改变的职位必须在创建申请之前得到总统的批准. 现有的经费资助职位,如工作要求没有改变,则不需要总统批准. 招聘主管必须向行政主管提交新职位申请.

4.  Job Posting and External Searches

就业服务办公室(ESO)负责根据人事申请单上提供的信息准备招聘启事. 除非符合集体谈判协议或内部晋升和调动政策的要求, external searches and job postings are required for all position vacancies.

5.  广告

由外部招聘的职位空缺将刊登广告. 欧洲南方天文台 in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 会否与劳工处合作,物色招聘地点,以吸引合资格及多元化的申请人. ESO将处理任何收费网站的广告,因为这些费用将退还给该部门. 鼓励招聘部门在免费网站上或与这些组织发布广告,或列出他们有会员资格或以前有关联的服务.

6.  应用程序

All Applicants must submit applications and required documents (e.g., resume, cover letter, etc.) via the online job application site. 人力资源部门最初根据适用的集体谈判协议的要求筛选申请在公共服务方案和公共服务方案谈判单位任职的申请人. All other Applicants are screened by the hiring supervisor.

7.  Department Screening and 选择 of Applicants

招聘主管根据职位要求选择应聘者进行面试. 招聘主管有责任在寻求面试批准之前,在在线系统上指定所有申请人的适当状态. 例如, Applicants can be designated selected for interview, less qualified than other candidates, 不合格.

8.  Interviewing Applicants

Interview pools (phone, teleconference or in-person) must be approved by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion prior to the hiring supervisor scheduling the interviews.

9.  背景调查

招聘主管必须对所选申请人进行背景调查. At least one reference should come from a previous supervisor. 招聘主管必须审查申请,以核实开放大学在进行背景调查之前已获得与每个雇主联系的许可. 如果申请人声明无法联系到雇主,他/她必须填写一份 Authorization to Release Information Form before the disallowed reference may be contacted.

Telephone Reference Check Form is also available for use.

10.  选择

招聘主管必须在在线招聘系统中完成申请人选择标准评分部分. An entry must be submitted for each Applicant interviewed. 当完成, 然后,招聘主管必须用他们选定的申请人的名字给ESO发邮件, a proposed salary and start date.

11.  Background Verifications

欧洲南方天文台, upon receipt of the supervisor’s selection email, 会否与获选候选人联络,并要求填写适当的背景核实表格. 申请人在密歇根居住/工作的时间和所担任职位的类型将决定所需背景核查的类型, which includes but is not limited to criminal, credit and driving record checks. 在背景核查被员工福利计划经理或指定人员认为可以接受之前,雇佣要约不会被延长.

12.  度验证

If required for the position, 被选中的候选人的正式大学成绩单必须装在密封的信封里,并包括发行机构的正式公章.

13.  Physical Examinations


14.  就业机会

All official offers of employment are made by 人力资源. With prior approval, administrative heads may extend an offer to a direct report. No offers should be made without 人力资源 prior approval.

15.  转让日期

When an employee accepts a promotion or transfer within OU, 员工开始新职位的日期应由员工现任和未来的主管共同商定.

16.  人事档案

人力资源部负责保存所有工作人员的正式雇用记录. 员工可以在开放大学的正常营业时间内,通过提交书面请求查看其个人档案的内容. Requests are generally honored within twenty-four (24) hours.


OU美联社&P #704 Internal Promotions and Transfers 

OU美联社&P #750 韦德体育app官网 教师 Hiring Procedures 

OU美联社&P #770 Temporary and Casual Employees 

OU美联社&P #1170 Student Employment


经理的工具包 -网站设计为经理提供工具,他们将需要一个员工的生命周期.
