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Oakland University West Campus building

Oakland West Center

韦德体育app官网的新西中心(OWC)位于大学大道1500号, just two miles west of the main campus. 

Courses Information

The UG courses currently scheduled for this OWC are:

  • Pathophysiology
  • Introduction to Professional Nursing
  • Health Assessment
  • Pharmacology
  • Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Practice
  • Research for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
  • Nursing Care of Adults l
  • Nursing Care of Individuals with Behavioral & Mental Health Disorders
  • Nursing Care of Adults ll
  • Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
  • Nursing Leadership
  • Nursing Care of Communities & Families
  • Nursing Care of the Childrearing Family
  • Nursing Capstone
  • NCLEX Success Strategies
    • BE SURE to check SAIL for your room location
Faculty Offices

教师将在OWC设有办公室,以便与学生在现场进行办公. These are shared office spaces, 所以一定要联系你的老师预约或者在课堂上联系. 房间现场有带有OU标签的标签,以帮助识别我们正在使用的房间.

  • Baumann, Gosha (Malgorzata)
  • Mirovsky, Renee
  • Newton, Sarah
  • Klein, Zorica
  • Paul, Julia
  • Hays, Deana
  • Morse, Leia
  • Harris, Meghan
  • Gajewski, Ellen
  • Chahine, Teresa
  • Calderon, Tiffany (SL)
  • Kennedy, Erin & Alfonsi, Melissa (SL)
  • Grobbel, Claudia
  • Holka, Kim & Chahine, Teresa
  • Kennedy, Peg
  • Clark, Nikki
  • Poly-Droulard, Lynda

Service Bulletin - Smart Bus Route

交通选择是私家车或公共交通通过 SMART FLEX.

Two Options for Transportation using SmartFlex Bus Pass Between OU Main Campus/Oakland West Center

  1. Use the SmartFlex ride option using the SmartFlex app
  2. Use the Smart Fixed Route Bus # 796

点击下面的链接,了解796次列车将在欧大主校区和欧大校区停靠的时间 Oakland West Center:


  • 在公交车到达前5分钟到达车站
  • 寻找796路东行巴士,巴士顶部的指示牌会写着: 
  • 如果公交车上说790路,不要上车,因为这趟车不是去西中心的


  • 在公交车到达前5分钟到达车站
  • 寻找796路西行巴士,巴士顶部的指示牌会写着:
  • 如果公交车上说790路,不要上车,因为这趟车不是去西中心的.

796路线是唯一在西中心和主校区都有停靠的路线. 796路公交车将在这两个地点以及路线上的其他站点停靠. 如果你对自己是否上对了车有任何疑问, ASK THE BUS DRIVER.

Another route, 790路,也在开放大学主校区停靠,但不去开放大学西中心, so students should not get on a bus with 790 in the sign at Main campus if they want to get to West Center.


学生可以在办公时间在SMTD办公室(207 Varner)领取31天的通行证,可以使用SMART Flex和SMART固定路线巴士, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday through April 30, 2023.   在此日期之后,不能保证韦德体育app官网将提供免费巴士通行证.


  • 如果学生乘坐公共汽车并想使用尚未激活的通行证, 他们只需将未激活的卡插入读卡器,卡就自动激活了.
  • 如果学生想用他们的通行证乘坐SMART Flex, 他们需要在预定乘车前激活通行证. To do this, the student must board a SMART fixed route bus, 把卡插入读卡器,卡就会被激活.  然后,学生可以下车,预订SMART Flex的乘车服务,或者继续乘坐公交车.   这种激活只需要在每个31天周期的开始发生. 


  • 如果学生在11月1日领取通行证,并在11月2日乘坐公共汽车,并将通行证插入读卡器, therefore activating that card, then that pass is good until December 2nd. 
  • 如果学生在11月1日拿起他们的通行证,但直到11月15日才登上公共汽车来激活通行证,并将通行证插入读卡器中从而激活该通行证, then that pass is good until December 15th.

如果有交通方面的问题,请联系教务长办公室 [email protected].

FAQS about SMART Flex:

Can I book rides without a smartphone?
Yes. Call (734) 212-8429.

Why am I being asked to walk to my pickup spot?
SMART Flex可能会将同一方向的车手配对, 这意味着在你的旅途中可能会有乘客上下车. 为了让事情尽可能快速有效地进行, 他们可能会让你在附近的一个角落见面,而不是在你输入的地址外面. 这样,司机就不必绕路,以免放慢车速.

How do I know where to meet my driver?
After you book a ride, 该应用程序将显示您的取货点- SMART Flex将为您提供取货点的地址或企业名称,以帮助您找到它. 无论哪种方式,总会有一条虚线告诉你如何到达那里!

Can I bring someone along with me?
You can bring up to two additional passengers. Each additional passenger costs $2 each.

Can I book a ride in advance?
SMART Flex按需工作,所以他们不接受提前预订. 在你准备离开之前预定你的车,平均等待时间在5-30分钟之间. You can book a ride up to an hour in advance. Using the app is the best way to book your ride. 设置一个提醒,在课间预留回校园的车.

What happens if I cancel my ride?
If you cancel a ride within one minute after booking, SMART Flex will waive the cost of the cancellation. Otherwise, they will charge you $1. 如果司机在2分钟的等待时间后仍无法找到你, you’ll be charged a no-show price of $1.

What do I do if my driver left without me?
你应该直接在你的应用程序中重新预订你的车,然后发一封电子邮件解释发生了什么 [email protected]. You won’t be charged for this ride.

What do the vehicles look like?
所有车辆都印有SMART Flex的标志和颜色,因此很容易识别.

Are vehicles wheelchair accessible?
Yes, 您可以在预订乘车时通知SMART Flex您需要轮椅无障碍车辆(WAV). 点击应用程序菜单顶部的头像或图像,然后点击轮椅开关来打开它.

Can I change my destination once I’m on board?
一旦你开始乘车,目的地就不能改变. 如果你还没有上车,你想改变你的目的地, 然后你马上取消行程,重新预定新的目的地.

Can I set a favorite location in the app?
Yes. 要做到这一点,只需点击应用程序菜单中的Favorites选项卡. 然后轻按“设置家庭住址”或“设置工作住址”,输入您的首选地点地址.

Can I leave feedback for my driver?

How do I reset my password?
Open the app and select Log me in. In the password box, select Forgot your password? and follow the prompts.

I left something in the vehicle — how do I retrieve it?
Email SMART Flex at [email protected] and include a description of the item.